
Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Union Of Erotic Passions [AUDIENCE CAMERA]

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Cherry Lounge, San Francisco, California, September 5, 2004

Well, this gig got us blacklisted from the San Francisco punk scene.  It was apparently that hot!  See for yourself!

Below is what I wrote at the time:

Apparently there was a controversy around our appearance. On RAMPAGE RADIO (the hard core all-night show hosted by Dirty Dave, Boom, and Bob) on KUSF early Sunday morning a "management" guy from CHERRY said "Frank Moore will not be nude at THE CHERRY" ... or some such nonsense. The fates prevented me from knowing about this until we got there ... LUVeR couldn't carry the show because their stream was down ... then Bob couldn't reach us to warn us because our phone was out. So I enter the club not loaded for bear. Hey, when Boom booked us, he told the lesbian owner what we do, and she said it was all cool. So I'm not clear about the power dynamics. But, although everyone was nice, there was a definite vibe that the whole hard core scene (not just us) were freaks from the wrong side of the tracks. Hey, we "queered the place," to use a term that our lesbian neighbor is fond of ... it was a night of TRANSFORMATIVE TRANGRESSION!

All through the night Bob kept muttering about what happened on RAMPAGE...but he always mutters like Popeye. So it wasn't until in the set of FLUFF GRRL(YMAN) ... which was their most powerful set I have seen ... that Bob in/as a song outlined what happened ... and that he bets that they wouldn't be able to stop Frank Moore! So what choice did I have?

When I had my clothes off, Boom gave us the official NO-NUDITY word ... that absurd duty over with, Boom half-jokingly (or was it quarter-jokingly?) said "well, no penetration then!" To that, Anne Madigan asked if that meant that she couldn't stick her finger in my ear. And I don't know if Bob's sucking / blowing my cock as a flute violated this no-penetration rule. Bob didn't do much of that Sunday night. He said that was because my balls were sweaty. That has never stopped him before! It was the first FLUFF GRRL gig I've seen that Bob didn't drop his pants and set fire to his pubes. Was it because of the threatened limiting vibes? I don't know. Did the nude explicit sweaty orgasmic rubbing rocking erotic dance Linda and I did together violate the no-penetration rule? I won't tell! That's what the slow motion and zoom buttons on your player are for! But a lot of what we do in bars is breaking actual laws covering venues serving liquor.and not just penetration. Of course in the 30+ years that we have been "transgressing" in clubs, there has not been a single raid, etc. (DARN!) But the club should be committed to the risky art presented. I talked to Boom tonight.and he assured me that CHERRY wants the scene there and has no problem with what we did. Notwithstanding what I wrote above. I hope he's right!

I started the set singing alone on the floor I AM WOMAN. Hey, CHERRY was supposed to be a lesbian bar. Then Bob did the skin flute on me as the rest of the band took their positions. I heard a real flute. It wasn't Bob, but Erika in an open robe. She was prevented from erotic dancing by an evil case of poison oak. Only half of the band, numbering 15 members, could fit on the stage. So the other half spilled on to the floor on either side of me. After Bob had his way with me, I turned around to face toward the band, creating a communal ritual circle. Musically and erotically it got sweaty fast, people playing off, feeding off, of one another, changing instruments, doing vocals, becoming a molten musical mass. We had all of FLUFF GRRL plus Anne, the bass player and the lead singer of Violent Discharge (the second band of the night) who poured blood on me! Andy brought his Sousaphone and his guitarist friend Joel to be in the stew. Topless Dr. Gruve blew himself and his harp into one giant sweat bead trance of bliss, followed close behind by the madman Michael Peppe.

Things kept being melting down to bluesy intimate touch moan exchange for about an hour. It was the deepest into the musical unknown we have ventured into in our jamming.


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