
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Berkeley Community Media Board Meeting on Censorship

Recorded February 12, 2002.

This is a recording of the Berkeley Community Board meeting that was part of a censorship battle on BTV, Berkeley’s public access cable TV channel. This meeting was at the beginning of an almost year-long fight. WE WON! Once the ACLU got involved and  threatened to sue the City of Berkeley, the proposal disappeared ... and the adult programming continues to play on B-TV uncensored after 10pm.

Here is the censorship item that was being contested:
26. Scheduling of Adult and Sexually Explicit Programming on Public Access Television
From:  Councilmembers Armstrong, Hawley and Olds
Recommendation:  Direct the City Attorney to develop an ordinance that regulates the hours during which Berkeley’s local public access television station may schedule programming self-described as “for adult viewing” and/or “sexually explicit.”
Contact:  Polly Armstrong, District 8, 981-7180, Mim Hawley, District 5, 981-7150, Betty Olds, District 6, 981-7160

Here is Frank’s speech:

Here is the link is an archive of the censorship battle on BTV:
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