
Friday, January 30, 2015

Intimate Gestures

You can also download the video here (mp4, 1.8 GB):

Recorded July 11, 1985. University of California, Berkeley.

from the flier:

The A.S.U.C.’S STUDIO presents
Frank Moore’s
Going Over the Edge
the 7th season of the free performance art series
7:00 P.M. at Rm. 125 Dwinelle, U.C. Berkeley


Live art for daring people who like to be taken just outside the normal reality.

Mr. Moore is known for his intimate performances which are personal, sometimes intensely silly, sometimes softly sensual, sometimes loudly tacky, and almost always involving audience participation. In the Passion Plays, the private innocence of kids in their hideout playhouse and the blanket caves after lights-out is brought back to adults.

Thursday, July 11 – Gestures: A dance of gestures moving toward intimacy, magic and at-oneness. This piece is based on Desmond Morris’ book, Manwatching.

Frank's instructions for this performance:

An Intimate Gesture, a Performance by Frank Moore

Every time a person enters this room, Mr. Moore will pair or re-pair people in this room to perform a series of gestures which will get more and more intimate. This series will start over from the beginning anytime a new person enters this room.

Every time a person leaves this room, Mr. Moore will re-pair who are left, and the series will continue.

Follow the directions if you enter this room.

You can leave at any time.

This performance will end exactly at 10 pm.
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