
Saturday, November 1, 2014

EZTV - Wrapping/Rocking & Statues, Los Angeles, California

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Recorded September 9, 1988. AUDIO BEGINS JUST AFTER THE 2 MINUTE MARK!

This is a from a 2 night run performance at EZTV in  Los Angeles, California.

Michael, the guy from EZTV who booked us, also shot this video of a couple segments from the first night.

This was towards the beginning of Frank having this cast made up mostly of his apprentices. You can see Mikee doing Body Music with Sabina. Also, Carlos, the chanter wearing the I HAVE AIDS sign around his neck. When Carlos was diagnosed with AIDS, Frank started having him wear that sign at performances, and cast him as The Dying Man who would talk briefly with each
audience member in a small tented area as they entered the space. He told them that dying was not something to be feared. That it was not painful in itself. It was a transition.

When a reporter from the LA Times interviewed Frank in our hotel the morning after attending one of our performances found out that Carlos really did have AIDS, it blew his mind. He said, I thought the performance was great before this, but now it has gone to another level.

From the poster:

Journey to Lila
A performance by Frank Moore

This five hour journey will be through inner space and inner time to Lila, the island of play and illusion in the sea of how-things-should-be.

This performance will dare to go through the uncharted waters of death, rebirth, and childhood.

The audience will enter the beautiful bodies and the open personalities of teenage Lilans who are taking part in the magical rituals of eroplay and wrapping unity.

Friday, September 9
Saturday, September 10
8pm      $8

This was the first time the poster art for one of Frank’s performances was done by LaBash!
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