
Thursday, January 17, 2013

dung mummy at Il Corral

You can also download the video here (mp4, 639 MB):

Frank Moore's Cherotic All-Star Band recorded at Il Corral, Los Angeles, California, January 20, 2007.

We were insane!  We booked two gigs on the same night!  So after we did our piece at THE NOTE [see] with  the exceptions of Steve Davis and Eddie, we all headed to Il Corral to continue what we had started. On the drive there, we wolfed down sandwiches.

There, we added a toy instruments’ section with The Refrigerator Mothers’ (or were they hop-frog's drum jester devotional that night?) Carl F. Off, Jeremy Morelock (a.k.a. e.loi), Denise Owens (a.k.a. Volcanosis). This jam was really part two of what we had started at The Note. It had the same structure. But it lasted over 40 minutes…time enough to go into the tunnels of arousal opened up at The Note, time enough to press into wet grooves, exploring erotic intimate dark small quiet places, getting caught up into Vinnie’s driving heart beating, enjoying Steve’s hot licks, getting lost in Tomek’s passion squeezings, etc. In reality that night we did an hour jam not limited by space or time.  Very satisfying!

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