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A surreal erotic examination of an intimate relationship of need. 1989.
Starring Frank Moore and Linda Sibio.
"One of the most erotic things I've ever seen."
Richard Schechner
"Honorable Mention Award, Feature Length Video--East Bay Video Festival"
It ('Out of Isolation') was the best film, in many respects, that I have ever seen. It is a classic, underground masterpiece, and I was deeply impressed by (Frank Moore's) sense of movement, aesthetic, humanity and taboo."
Jim Cohn, St. Lawrence University
("Out of Isolation") "stayed in my mind far more persistently than I first expected, at least based on what the film-makers with millions of dollars at their disposal call 'production values' and 'professional polish'. What most of these high-priced pieces lack, of course, is substance and a genuinely different -- and deeply challenging -- point of view. Something to shake up, shatter, shame, inspire, perspire, ponder and play with long after the cassette gets rewound. Your films did that for me: they are definitely not easy to absorb, follow, or even 'enjoy' in the ordinary pop-culture sense. But you don't forget watching them, ever."
Scott Lankford, Foothill College.
"And the central irony of the title 'Out of Isolation' as it is revealed is truly unforgettable: the nurse's everyday American loneliness is so much sadder, so much more impenetrable than that of the man she hopes to 'cure.' In this sense, the film makes a bold attempt to break through the cultural/intellectual isolation of the viewer; to stretch our imaginations in ways they have never been moved and stretched before due to our own cradle-to-grave institutionalization within the rigid mindset of everyday America. Which may explain why, even when the film seems painful to watch, it remains powerful: it stretches the imagination in new and different, sometimes painful directions."
Scott Lankford, Foothill College
"A very powerful film."
Jack Foley
“That’s simply lovely. It also spells out to me why you are admirable, why someone handled – of course, what else -- by bony fingers, could emerge without a shred of self-pity and with a true, an unsentimental love of humanity encompassing the most uncompromising rejection of those who make life miserable for the vast majority, whether “normal” or disabled.
Obviously someone who cannot enjoy physical pleasures available to the rest of us – running, swimming, skiing, using one’s muscles in competition with nature or other humans – will particularly explore the pleasures of sex, and will pose to the rest of us questions as to the “appropriateness” of our behaviors in that regard.”
Bill Mandel
“Enjoyed watching “Out of Isolation”. Although I don’t think enjoyed is the proper word. It was somewhat challenging in that it was sad to think of the way people can be treated.”
Annie Sprinkle, performance artist
“(Out of Isolation) about the nurse and the institutionalized man stretches time in an almost painful way, a true horror film in the deepest sense, imaging that life, knowing that is basically the way it is for many people, and I appreciate you making that, and showing it on your site. Of course, the nurse’s lines were funny, as well, keeping it from pure pathos, and the beginning was so mysterious, really brilliantly drawing us in and pushing us away cyclically.”
Tantra, artist