Recorded April 30, 2015.
Kayla came knocking at our door one week ago, carrying her infant baby and asked, "What is going on with this house?! What are you guys about?!" She told us she was a journalist. We invited her in and ending up talking for 40 minutes, showing her some of the house and telling her some of our stories. She asked if she could come back with her camera and interview us. She left with a copy of Frankly Speaking and urls to our websites.
Kayla came over yesterday for what was supposed to be a 35-40 minute video interview and ended up being here for 2 hours! She's great. She did her homework. She spent eight hours watching videos, reading Frank's writings, exploring the websites and being blown away by Frank & our lives. She asked good, deep questions. She's inspired. She moved here from Fresno when she got a large grant to go to CCA, but dropped out when she experienced the combine at work, stifling the art, discouraging or not "getting" the visions of the students. So now she just DOES the art, her "journalism" which is really about creating community.
Here is Kayla's Future Of Minds Youtube channel: